I had a crazy ideathat I could spin some tussah silk and turn it into a little drawstring bag for the wedding. Well, the silk was spun and the bag was made, but it had the wrong look. It just didn't fit with the rest of the outfit - or so Chris said, and I think I agree with him. I'll take a picture of the bag soon but here's what the spun silk looked like
Thanks Donni!Donni was my pal for SP6, and among the many things she sent me was a bag of alpaca,silk and merino blended top. I don't know about you, but I tend to leave things in my stash that I really like, you know, thinking, "I'll just wait till I can knit/spin/crochet better before I use that". Well, after thinking about it, I decided that I really should use up some of my ever growing stash, especially since Chris and I will have to consolidate our stuff and move in together soon. So tonight I started spinning the red top and this is what it looks like:

It's a lovely lot of fibre, so smooth and soft it practically spins itself.
As chance would have it, Sue, one of the ladies at my spinning class had just finished spinning some herself. She had hers plied with some cherry red merino top. It was nice, but I decided I didn't really want the tweedy look, so I split the lot of top into two equal weights and I am going to ply them together. The resulting yarn should be about DK (8 ply) or worsted (10ply) weight.
Ene-ing againI'm up to the tenth row, but it's still not much to look at. Maybe photos after the weekend, ok?