I heard from my scarf pal,
Jen, today - she has received Ene - woohooo!!!! She hasn't posted abotu it yet, and I was starting to get a little worried as it's been over ten days since I posted it. But all is well.. Ene has reached her destination, and by the sounds of it, has gone to a good home.

Now, Ene2 is making good progress.
I am a few repeats into Chart 3 and hope to be done soon. Perhaps I will even finish earlier than anticipated as I am definitely knitting mroe than the 4 or 5 obligatory rows each day.

Right now the targeted completion date has been moved to end of this month. So you ask,"What? are you crazy, girl?!" Maybe. I hope to send it in to teh Castlehill show - not sure which category yet, though.
It still has to be blocked and all that, and the closing date for entries is sometime in the first week of march - I have forgotten which day, but the booklet is somewhere around. I'll find it, I'm sure, in the next day or two. Well, it's not like I'll have Ene2 completed anytime real soon anyway.
I also found that I needed a 'yarn bra' to keep my ball of yarn in one piece. Too cheap to go out and buy the 'real thing' I decided to improvise using the styrofoam 'net' that came with my pears. Ingenious, eh?
I am hoping that by holding the yarn gently together, I will avoid the disaster from last week - when the yarn decided to spit at me. Naughty yarn.. BAD yarn!
Etsy newsI have put up more 'stuff'' on
Etsy. Go take a look. I am rather pleased with how the most recent batch if dyeing has come out. The silks dyed exceptionallyw ell and teh colours are so vivid. I have another four lots waitign to be put up at the store. Email me if you are interested and I'll send you pictures.
MemeRight, so
Tanya has tagged me for a meme. I think this is the first time I have been tagged. It doesn't count if I don't know about it, right?
I have toname 5 things in my fridge,, hmm.. that's a toughie. There's so many things in my fridge and you just want 5??
I decided to stick with the staples
1. A jug of filtered water - I have one of those jugs with an in-built replaceable filter in it. i just keep it topped upw ith drinking water all the time
2. Cheese - Right now I have some Stilton, Blue Brie, Pecorino and some Kraft cheese spread. I love cheese, if it is not already obvious, especially strong bitey ones.
3. Fruits - I thnk I have some peaches, kiwifruit, apples and oranges. Eversince Chris and I started on this healthy diet thing, I have been trying to make sure I always have some sort of fruit in the fridge.
4. Sauces - Tomato sauce, wholegrain mustard, horseradish, sweet chilli sauce, hot chilli sauce, HP sauce, Worchestershire sauce, soy sauce, oyster sauce, etc. etc.
5. Eggs -love eggs. If I could choose only one source of protein, I'd go for eggs. so, I always have eggs in the fridge. I like them fried, scrambled, poached or just plain boiled.
Okay, so I cheated.. it wasjust too hard to pick five things. 5 sort-of categories isn;t so bad, is it?
Okay, so who am I tagging? Hmm..
B2, and
Mona, I want to know the contents of your fridge!