Saturday, April 21, 2007
Spinning is done, now onto the knitting

I finished spinning the yarn for my ISE4 scarf today. It's now washed and hanging to dry. It turned out prettier than I thought it would. However, the greens and purples seem to have been swallowed by the blues. You'll see what I mean when I get around to posting some photos. I hope that the greens and purples will reappear once the scarf is knitted. Isn't it strange how the colours in unspun roving always look different from yarn, which again is quite a different animal from the final knitted piece?

I'd post a pictured, but I am not likely to capture the subtle varigation of colour in the yarn at this time of the night (9pm), so I'll just have to wait till tomorrow.

So, what have I been up? Not much, really.

Yesterday I was as sick as a dog... I think the last time I was so sick from a bout of food poisoning, I was still a student! That was probably a good ten years ago(okay.. I'm showing my age now..) Chris picked Alex up from daycare yesterday (thank goodness for husbands!). After some sleep and lots of fluids, i think I am better now. My stomach is still not quite the same as it was before, but at least the food I am eating is staying down.

In fact, I am well enough to have spent most of the day house-hunting. Yes, we are looking for a house to buy or rent. Our little flat is getting just a little too little, and I want to move BEFORE Alex learns to crawl. Our quest for a house to buy is rather disappointing. Today we viewed 4 houses:
1. Nice-ish. I like it, but I don't love it. Chris is nonchalant about it. It is too expensive, but it's going to be auctioned so we have half a chance that it may go for lower than what the real-estate agents told us they are expecting.
2. Not nice and just as expensive as House 1.
3. Nice. I like it, Chris likes it BUT it is on a large road and has a front deck and no back yard. They are asking more for it than I think it is worth.
4. Chris likes it, I don't.

I guess we'll start again next weekend.

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I can't wait to see the ISE 4 yarn and what you make with it. Sounds lovely already. Good luck with the house hunting, it's tough but hopefully worth it in the end.
Ahhh, I too am looking to rent or buy. Not much fun. Not my preferred way to spend weekends and evenings. Good luck.
1) if you can get it for cheap, 2) no, 3) if they will bargain on price 4) no.

A house/home is too important for you both not to at least like it.

Hope you're feeling all better now!! Hot ginger tea with lemon and honey?
Hi, I quickly saw you when you dropped by to R&L on Saturday. I can totally understand. We're looking at buying too and there isn't all that much on the market. Good luck though.
cant wait to see that yarn you've spinned!! as for house hunting. yeap. i know the headaches. been through that and done that!!
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