I am very ashamed to say that it's taken till now for me to complete my Sockapalooza4 socks and they're finally on their way now. I do hope that after this very very very very extremely long wait that the socks fit and that she will like them.

They don't look bad.. in fact I quite like them and had grown quite attached to them. Maybe I will have to make myself a pair.. but then again, after knitting it once, I doubt I ever want to again. All those twisted stitches were enough to drive me nuts.
Well, I am knitting again.. On the needles I have a vest for one of the babies from my mums' group who is turning one the day after Alex does. He will be having a big party complete with one of those petting farm animal type things. I am sure Alex will love it - because there are other kids there more than anything else. [Note to self : Make sure Alex does not sit on, step on or bash any of the animals] Alex loves children. I suppose all children like other children, but it does fascinate me to see how well he responds to the sounds of other children's voices.
Alex's baby surprise jacket isn't going anywhere quickly. I am glad he won't need it for another few months as it is not likely to be ready for another few months!
More photos in the next post...
Labels: Alex, Sockapalooza 4