Friday, June 29, 2007
We're on antibiotics

and feeling rather sorry for ourselves.

Alex sounds like he's better, though, which is good news for everyone. poor little mite had an ear infection. Did he get it from me or did he pass it to me? Who knows.. in any case, we've both got it.

Last weekend, I had to make him a new hat for daycare. I could not send him to daycare with ill-fitting hats. What kind of knitting mama would that have made me?!

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Okay, so I over-estimated the size of his head.. a little..okay, a lot :) Oh, alright, I'll admit it. The hat fits on MY head. Fold up the cuff, and it's all fixed. It's a wee bit loose on his head, but it fits.. more or less..

Lien, Candy and I are off to the craft fair at Darling Harbour this Sunday. I can't wait. Having signed the papers that commit us to a mortgage means that my yarn money is significantly decreased. I will have to be selective about what I am getting, or at least try to! I'll let you know after Sunday whether I was successful. Or maybe not. Wish me luck!

Oh, and I've added a couple more skeins of merino yarn to my Ozebaby store.

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Monday, June 25, 2007
Long time no post

A lot has happened in the past few weeks.

Bad news is that Alex is still sick. He did get better, and then worse, and then better, and he is now worse. I have also joined the ranks of the sick around here. We paid the doctor's office a visit today and he's recommended a different decongestant for Alex. As for me, well, he's hoping that I'll fight my ear and throat infection on my own. Ouch!

My Ozebaby store has opened and I have been busy knitting custom orders. First a pink girly one..
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and some purple and brown ones, also for a little girl
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I am still waiting for more wool to arrive so that I can dye up more. There are another couple of pairs of longies in the custom queue but I should be done with those in a couple of weeks.

Oh, and some more good news? Our house hunting has come to an end. We have found a pleasant little townhouse in a neighbouring suburb. It does mean that we'll be moving away from my local yarn store but hey, it's a house and it's ours! I can always drive that extra 5 minutes to get to my local yarn store. It's probably good for my bank account too!

We're planning to move in September. I guess I will have to once again face the amount of stuff I have in my stash. To add to that, I also have my "for sale" stash, which really isn't a stash since it's for sale, but it will need to be moved. I am planning to hold a sale on both my Ozebaby and Etsy stores closer to our moving date. The more I sell, the less I have to move!

Oh, oh, oh, and more good news.. I can change my tagline.. I am no longer studying part-time. I have heard (unofficially) that I have passed the last subject. This means that I graduate in September. Gosh! September is looking like it's going to be a big month for us!

Well, that's as much excitement as I can handle and as much news as I can remember for now.. more later.

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Saturday, June 09, 2007
Big update

I know, I know.. it has been ages since I last posted.

So much has been happening here.

Done, done, done and dusted (if I pass). Gosh, I hope I pas. I don't think I can handle another semester. The last couple of weeks were really stressful.Admittedly. it is because I had not done enough work throughout the semester, but hey, it's me! I never do enough work early in the semester.

In a few weeks, I'll find out whether I passed. If I do pass (fingers crossed...) I graduate in September. Yay!

Alex has recovered well. His nose is still a little stuffy at night but aside from that, he's a well boy. Finally! It's taken long enough.

We're almost back where we were before he caught the cold. Our nights are getting better. He's nowhere close to sleeping through the night yet, but we'll get there.

A new shop
After handing in my paper for uni, i have been busy setting up shop here. I am slowly building up stock and getting ready for the opening on Friday. I have started listing stock in the hope that I will generate some interest but none of the products can be purchased till I activate them on Friday.

Anyway, feel free to stop by and take a look.

Dyeing up a storm
As can be expected, I suppose, with the new store and all. Almost all they new stuff will listed on either my Etsy store or the Ozebaby one.

I am a little behind on my swaps.. well, just one. I posted off my ISE4 scarf nearly two weeks ago and I am just waiting for my pal to tell me that she has received it.

I joined Sockapalooza4 but have not even selected the yarn yet!! I thought I'd dye the yarn myself but I wasn't sure about that. I am considering Baudelaire in an almost solid coloured yarn. The only way I know how to get that is by dyeing it myself.

I received my ISE4 scarf last week. I have been waiting for the weather to clear to get some decent photos of it. It's a nice wide scarf - really warm! I have already worn it twice! Thanks Latoya!

Life in general
Has been pretty sweet. Since my last post, Chris and I have both celebrated our birthdays. I have turned the big three-oh and Chris..well he's older ;). Gosh, I feel old!

As the boy was still unwell, and we could not go out to celebrate my birthday, Chris brought dinner home. He bought take-away Indonesian food, including a dish which he does not like. How's that for a gem? So what's this food that he doesn't like? Petai! Stink beans! It's ok if you're wrinkling your nose by now. Most people would. I am just weird.. or maybe it's just the Malaysian in me coming out.

For my birthday, I scored the Barbara Walker treasury set. Uh huh.. all four books. I am going to have so much fun when they arrive. I also got the set of Spun-out patterns. I can't wait for them to arrive as I want to knit the baby surprise jacket. I am impatient, of course, and have been eagerly hoping that the postie will arrive soon with my books.

Speaking of which.... I am most upset with the postie this week. I posted a suggestion on Rachel's blog and won a skein of yarn. My postie delivered it alright.. he just didn't bother leaving it in the shade away from the elements. On our way to work yesterday, Chris spotted a yellow envelope in the bushes near the postboxes. It was my yarn from Rachel - so wet that the envelope was disintegrating! I have tried to rescue it by re-skeining it and drying it. It's still damp but it smell okay and looks okay. I think I will turn it into a pair of pants or a little sweater for the little guy. Oh, and what yarn was it? It's a ball of Lion Brand Magic Stripes.

Such a long post and no photos? Oh alright.. here's one of the boy.
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